
Minggu, Oktober 19, 2008

Brace Yourself For Braces!

For many people touching metal is not a pleasant thing. Let alone wearing it. But that’s exactly what some of us have to endure… for quite some time “It hurts!” “It feels weird.” And “It makes my mouth dry” are what people commonly say about wearing braces. Indeed, having braces on is not comfortable. So, don’t let the long, difficult, and expensive treatment become a waste. These are the things to ponder about if you’re metal-mouthed:

Ø Brush yout teeth after each meal and before bed. Brush gently with special brush called orthodontic brush to clean the teeth and with an interdental brush to clean the gaps between teeth and also the braces themselves.

Ø Use mouthwash to remove food particles from your dental braces that the toothbrush may not reach.

Ø Don’t let the braces shift and slide from your teeth and hurt your gums. So, eat carefully. Avoid eating sticky, crunchy, and hard food like chewing gum and hard crackers. Cut hard fruits, like apple, and meat into little pieces. Satay should be pulled off from its skewer.

Ø Regular appointments with your orthodontist is a must to get your braces tightened to correct teeth position and to keep your gum healthy. Skipping them only means lengthening the period of the treatment. (c’ns volume 7 no 53)

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