
Selasa, Desember 30, 2008

New Year, New You

It’s the new year! It’s time to reflect on what we did the previous year and make plans about what we’re going to do this year. What can we do to make this new year more meaningful? Here are some ideas.

Count Your Blessings, Not Sheep

Loads of things happen in our life. Sweet, sour, and bitter experiences, all of them contribute to shaping the person you are now. What you have to remember is you don’t live in the past. You live now, in the present, and for the future. Recalling those sweet experiences will make you smile and laugh, while recalling the sour and bitter ones will make you stronger. If every one of your experiences is like a piece of a puzzle, imagine you are now like a completed puzzle. Beautiful, amazing, gorgeous… you can add other positive adjectives to the list!

Create Scrapbooks

Among all the things that you did in the past, there must at least be one thing that you liked best. It can be an occasion with your friends, a trip with your family, or even a crazy thing done with your best buds.

Develop the photos, write a short story about them, paste all these on card board or in a special book for scrapbooking, and spice them up with decorations.

Voila! You have a memorable from the previous year.

Make new year resolutions

This is the most popular activity for the new year. Many people around the world make their new year resolutions before new year arrives and (sometimes) forget about them just a day after the change of the year. Starting this year, let’s follow up on one of our resolutions. It doesn’t need to be an impressive one. Just choose a simple one. But make sure you make it happen. Your resoluion can involve you or other people or your surroundings.

Choose a theme song

Can you imagine a movie without a theme song? It’s going to be so dull and flat. So is your life without a proper theme song! Even though your life is not a movie, there’s nothing wrong with choosing a theme song for your life. Choose an inspiring tune to start your day, so it can boost your confidence, lift your spirit, and unleash your creativity!.

Try “I believe I can fly” or “the world’s greatest” by R.Kelly, “grace kelly” by Mika, frente!’s old song. “Open up your heart and let the sun shine in,” or any song that can have a positive effect on you.

Hope you’re better equipped to live your life and face the challenges in 2009 now! (c’ns vol 7 no.53)

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